Climate Impact Corps

Climate Impact Corps logo

Service Areas

Service Activities

Fight the climate crisis and protect our environment

Age Groups

Preschool, Kindergarten – 3rd Grade, 4th – 8th Grade, High School, College

Service Terms Offered

one year, one semester

Time Commitment

full-time – 35-40 hours per week, part-time – 18-30 hours per week

Launches in

fall, january

Contact Information


Climate Impact Corps

There are three Initiatives within Climate Impact Corps: the Community Forestry Initiative, the Community Resilience Initiative, and the Home Energy Initiative.

Community Forestry Initiative

Members serve at a nonprofit or public agency with a mission to preserve and protect Minnesota’s environment and strengthen communities, with a focus on preserving and increasing tree canopy. 

Community Resilience Initiative

Members support sustainability projects, encourage local environmental action, and provide education to help households and organizations make sustainable choices.

Home Energy Initiative

Through the Home Energy Initiative, members support Minnesotans who are eligible for the Weatherization Assistance Program.  Members can help these households through education and services that potentially create an immediate impact on their quality of life and cost of living. Note that the Home Energy Initiative is focused on weatherizing individual homes, and members are placed with community organizations. Check out the Minnesota Energy Climate Corps if you’re interested in serving with a crew of other members that will help make larger (often public) buildings energy efficient. 

Transform your career with the Home Energy Initiative

  • With the Home Energy Initiative, members can earn get a Building Analyst Certification at no cost. This is a national qualification that prepares you for entry-level Home Energy Auditor positions.

Meet a Climate Impact Corps Member

Sara has always had a wandering spirit. For decades, she’s done environmental field work all over the country. Once she decided to settle down, it was hard for her to find positions that made sense for her – until she found the Community Forestry Initiative.